Quantum Science Audio
Wattgate 5266 Connectors with QSA Treatment
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Gewöhnlich fertig in 2 - 4 Tagen
Perfect for creating the killer DIY power cord, or for re-terminating your existing cords, the QSA treated Wattgate 5266 power connectors will transform the performance of any power cord they are added to.
If you are starting your project from scratch consider the Grand Activation AC-55 bulk wire. Why? Because this wire is treated with the same MMAT treatment that the QSA are treated with. The combination will yield extraordinary performance for the money invested.
Compared to the non MMAT treated AC terminations, you will get much more performance for the dollar spent with QSA/Wattgate.
What the process sounds like
Like all other QSA products, they greatly enhance dimensionality and the naturalness of the music. Lower level details usually buried in the mix are easily heard, subtleties and textures are revealed. All in a very natural sounding way.